Girl Scout Tour | Blentech Skip to content

Girl Scouts Visit Blentech

Recently, we had the honor to host a local Girl Scout troop to come tour our corporate offices and factory to study its energy efficiency.  Our Applications Engineer, Erin Whelan, a Girl Scout herself, answered all kinds of questions about the building and its history.  Our building was built in 1991 and updated in 1994.




Blentech is now a 100% solar power operated facility.


All of our operations are powered by harnessing the energy of the sun through 580 LG solar panels and repurposing the energy that is not used, thereby driving down our operating costs.


Our solar is so efficient we actually send the excess energy back to PG&E to use.











There were questions about how the facility’s hot water is heated (it uses electricity) and to what temperature it is heated (120 degrees) and if the walls were insulated (they are) and if the facility is cooled (the offices, yes but the factory, no).

The girls also had questions about our equipment and how they worked and what types of foods they processed.  A dad of two of the girls was especially equipped to explain how this particular machine makes A LOT macaroni and cheese (exactly 609.92 gallons).

Just another great day at Blentech.  Contact us today to schedule your tour!





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