Daniel Voit and Keith Weerts at SHIFT20 today
Join us today on Blentech’s virtual booth at the IFT 2020 Virtual Trade Show – SHIFT20 – for a Q & A session with Daniel Voit and Keith Weerts. Here’s your chance to go more in depth with them as it relates to topics of IoT and automation in the food industry.

You can join the Q&A via Zoom HERE.
Can’t make it to today’s Q & A? Be sure to check out their on-demand presentations noted below.

“Implications of IoT Technologies for the Food Industry”
Our CEO, Dan Voit, will be sharing about what IoT technologies are capable of and how they affect food industry. His talk will focus on (a) the fundamentals of an IoT system, (b) common progression or growth of an IoT system taking technologies from information collected through growth into predictive or even prescriptive systems, and (c) practical examples of data science skills needed to leverage this new foundation of data.

“Fundamentals of Automation for Food Scientists and Engineers”
Our Chief Digital Officer, Keith Weerts, will be presenting about opportunities to improve education for food scientists and food engineers based on observations during cutting-edge technology deployment in food production facilities around the world. Specific topics will include basics of sensor technology, digital communication protocols, automation/network architecture, and control system fundamentals.
Can’t wait to see you all at the show!